
Below you will find my collection of the sermons I have had the pleasure of preaching before God's people. I pray you will find them useful and they display Jesus to you clearly and Him only.

Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church Sermons:
2 & 3 John: Gospel Postcards (Fall Series 2018):
Jan. 6, 2019Senders and Goers3 Jn. 5-8MP3PDF
Dec. 23, 2018Hospitality or Hostility3 Jn. 1-15MP3PDF
Oct. 21, 2018Watch Yourselves2 Jn. 6-11MP3PDF
Sep. 16, 2018Christian Life Balance2 Jn. 1-13MP3PDF

Narnia: A Gospel-Shaped World (Adult Class Fall 2018):
Aug. 26, 2018Intro: A Story-Shaped WorldMP3PDF
Sep. 2, 2018The Lion, the Witch, and the WardrobeMP3PDF
Sep. 9, 2018Prince Caspian (No recording or handout)
Sep. 16, 2018The Voyage of the Dawn TreaderMP3PDF
Sep. 23, 2018The Silver ChairMP3PDF
Sep. 30, 2018The Horse and His BoyMP3PDF
Oct. 7, 2018The Magician's Nephew (P1)MP3PDF
Oct. 14, 2018The Magician's Nephew (P2)MP3PDF
Oct. 21, 2018The Last BattleMP3PDF

Esther: God, Hidden But Not Silent (Book of Esther) (Summer Series 2018):
Aug. 12, 2018True and Final RestEs. 9-10MP3PDF
Jul. 29, 2018A Great ReversalEs. 8MP3PDF
Jul. 22, 2018Idolatry and Grace in the GallowsEs. 6:12-7:10MP3PDF
Jul. 1, 2018The Delight of the KingEs. 5:1-6:13MP3PDF
Jun. 10, 2018Whose Decrees?Es. 2:19-4:17MP3PDF
Jun. 3, 2018The Real King and HusbandEs. 1:1-2:18MP3PDF

Ruth: Steadfast Love to the Heavens (Book of Ruth) (Summer Series 2017):
Aug. 13, 2017Epilogue: Steadfast Love to the HeavensRu. 4:9-22MP3PDF
Jul. 30, 2017Sacrificial Steadfast LoveRu. 4:1-13MP3PDF
Jul. 23, 2017Contenting Steadfast LoveRu. 2:23-3:18MP3PDF
Jul. 2, 2017Providing Steadfast LoveRu. 2MP3PDF
Jun. 18, 2017Hounding Steadfast LoveRu. 1:6ffMP3PDF
May 28, 2017Mysterious Steadfast LoveRu. 1:1-7MP3PDF

Pictures at an Exhibition (Book of Philemon) (New Year's Series 2017):
Jan. 8, 2017Gospel-Driven ChangePhilemonMP3PDF
Jan. 1, 2017Gospel-Driven ReconciliationPhilemonMP3PDF

Joshua: Fight the Good Fight of the Faith (Book of Joshua) (Summer Series 2016):
Aug. 14, 2016The Greatest Love StoryJos. 24MP3PDF
Aug. 7, 2016Living by FaithJos. 23MP3PDF
Jul. 31, 2016Refuge!Jos. 20MP3PDF
Jul. 24, 2016The LORD is VictoriousJos. 10MP3PDF
Jul. 17, 2016Folly and FaithfulnessJos. 9MP3PDF
Jul. 3, 2016Sin in the CampJos. 7MP3PDF
Jun. 26, 2016God Fights for His PeopleJos. 5-6MP3PDF
Jun. 19, 2016God Graciously Reassures Our FaithJos. 5:1-12MP3PDF
Jun. 12, 2016Faith's Greatest NemesisJos. 3-4MP3PDF
Jun. 5, 2016True Faith from a Shady LadyJos. 2MP3PDF
May 29, 2016Be Strong and CourageousJos. 1MP3PDF

Exodus: A Great Salvation (Exodus 1-12) (Summer Series 2015):
Aug. 16, 2015The Lamb of GodEx. 11-12MP3PDF
Jul. 26, 2015The LORD is SovereignEx. 7-11MP3PDF
Jul. 19, 2015Who is the LORD?Ex. 5:1-6:13MP3PDF
Jul. 12, 2015The Call of the WeakEx. 3-4MP3PDF
Jun. 28, 2015PreparationEx. 2:11ffMP3PDF
Jun. 14, 2015Salvation Set UpGe. 50:22-Ex. 2:10MP3PDF
Hope (New Year's Series 2015):
Mar. 8, 2015Hope of Glory in His StoryCol. 1:24-29MP3PDF
Jan. 11, 2015Hope for the InadequateJdg. 6:11-16MP3PDF
Jan. 4, 2015Hope for a New YearRo. 4:13-25MP3PDF

The Gospel According to Joseph (Summer Series 2014):
Aug. 17, 2014The Gospel & ReconciliationGe. 50MP3PDF
Aug. 3, 2014The Gospel & GraceGe. 48-49MP3PDF
Jul. 20, 2014The Gospel & Finishing FaithfullyGe. 47-48MP3PDF
Jul. 13, 2014The Gospel & God's SovereigntyGe. 45-46MP3PDF
Jul. 6, 2014The Gospel & TransformationGe. 43-44MP3PDF
Jun. 22, 2014The Gospel & GrowthGe. 42MP3PDF
Jun. 15, 2014The Gospel & PerspectiveGe. 41MP3PDF
Jun. 8, 2014The Gospel & God's PresenceGe. 39-40MP3PDF
Jun. 1, 2014The Gospel & SinGe. 37MP3PDF

The Incarnation (Advent Series 2013):
Dec. 29, 2013The Incarnation: Unshakable HopeRo. 5:1-5MP3PDF
Dec. 22, 2013The Incarnation: A Merciful PriestHe. 2:14-18MP3PDF
Dec. 15, 2013The Incarnation: Victorious LightJn. 1:1-14MP3PDF

Miscellaneous Sermons:
Apr. 15, 2018Wrestling with GodPs. 77MP3PDF
Mar. 4, 2018Prodigal PerspectiveLuke 15:1-3, 11-32MP3PDF
Jan. 7, 2018Faithfulness in the Face of the LionsDn. 6MP3PDF
Dec. 24, 2017The Lowly ShepherdsLk. 2:8-20MP3PDF
Nov. 19, 2017Perpetual Thanksgiving1 Th. 5:18MP3PDF
Mar. 5, 2017When Life Makes No SenseHab. 3:13-19MP3PDF
Nov. 20, 2016To Gray Hairs I will Carry YouIs. 46MP3PDF
Oct. 2, 2016Q.E.D.He. 10:1-18MP3PDF
Apr. 2, 2016Why Have You Forsaken Me?Ps. 22MP3PDF
Mar. 6, 2016God's Glory; Our GoodJdg. 7:1-18, 22-23MP3PDF
Dec. 27, 2015Jesus: Always the SameHe. 13:1-9MP3PDF
Sep. 27, 2015Intentional CommunityHe. 10:19-25MP3PDF
Dec. 21, 2014Good News of Great Joy for All PeoplesPs. 117MP3PDF
Sep. 28, 2014Walking in ChristCol. 2:6-7MP3PDF
Mar. 9, 2014Gospel-Driven ForgivenessMt. 18:21-35MP3PDF
Feb. 16, 2014The Hidden Providence of GodGe. 37MP3PDF
Jan. 12, 2014It Shall Be ProvidedGe. 22:1-14MP3PDF
Nov. 3, 2013Love and God's GloryJn. 11:1-15, 38-45MP3PDF
Jun. 16, 2013Grace Abounding to the Chiefs of Sinners1 Ti. 1:12-17MP3PDF

Colossians Series (preached before Live Oak Presbyterian Church):
Feb. 17, 2013Go in ChirstCol. 2:16-23MP3PDF
Feb. 10, 2013Baptism in ChristCol. 2:11-12MP3PDF
Feb. 3, 2013Full in ChristCol. 2:9-15MP3PDF
Jan. 27, 2013Free in ChristCol. 2:8-10MP3PDF
Jan. 13, 2013Walking in ChristCol. 2:6-7MP3PDF
Jan. 6, 2013Church Vision in ChristCol. 1:28-2:5MP3PDF
Dec. 30, 2012Jesus: Our Hope of GloryCol. 1:24-29MP3PDF
Dec. 23, 2012Jesus: Our ReconciliationCol. 1:19-23MP3PDF
Dec. 16, 2012Jesus: Our GodCol. 1:15-20MP3PDF
Dec. 9, 2012Jesus: Our KingCol. 1:9-17MP3PDF
Dec. 2, 2012Jesus: Our Good NewsCol. 1:1-8, 28-29MP3PDF

Nov. 11, 2012Behold Your GodIs. 40:10-18; 22-23MP3PDF
Nov. 4, 2012Eternal Perspective Now1 Cor. 7:29-31MP3PDF
May 27, 2012Gospel-Driven Humility1 Cor. 4:1-7MP3PDF
Sep. 18, 2011OneJn. 17:20-23MP3PDF
Mar. 13, 2011Jesus' Holy TempleJn. 2:13-22MP3PDF
Jan. 23, 2011The Hydra of HumilityJn. 1:19-31MP3PDF
Oct. 24, 2010Witness to The WitnessJn. 3:22-36MP3PDF