Thursday, June 25, 2015

Two Beautiful Books: Science... err... correction: Nature and Scripture (Appendix)

In the previous six posts, I put forth what I believe to be a biblical view of science and Scripture, and I gave some advice on how to hand apparent conflicts between "science and religion," "science and Christianity," "science and faith," or however we label the tension. In that series, I said several times that I was not trying to tell you what to believe on certain sub-topics of science and Christianity (e.g. the age of the universe) but trying to teach you how to think biblically about science and consistently as a Christian. Well, there are a number of sub-topics on which I am sure you would like more information, so in this post I will list a number of resources that I think you may find helpful. But, if you still cannot find what you are looking for, feel free to comment and ask about something I do not mention here.
I hope these are helpful to you as you think biblically about science and consistently as a Christian. Remember, feel free to comment and ask for a recommendation on a topic not listed here. I may not have a good one that I have read, but it never hurts to ask.

By His Grace,

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