
Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Gospel According to Joseph: The Gospel and Growth

As we continue our way through the story of Joseph, Jacob, and Judah, we come to Ge. 42, where Joseph meets his brothers after more than 20 years of separation. Now, we have seen Joseph grow a lot in the past 20+ years in this story, but we have no idea what has been going on in his brothers or Jacob. Both Joseph and we need the answer to the question: How much have Jacob and Joseph's brothers grown in the past 20+ years? What is the state of their spiritual health? Well, we find that out in this passage and we learn a little about our spiritual health and growth as well. Unfortunately, because of a mix-up, this sermon was not recorded, but you can read the transcript here.

As we have stated in the past posts in this series, we are also learning the questions that we can ask of any OT text to help us to see how Jesus may be on the page of Scripture. In this passage, we do not learn a new question but reuse one we have already learned: What does this passage reveal about the sinful nature of man who needs redemption? And, when we see an aspect of man's sinful nature and need of redemption, we can see Jesus there, for He is the ultimate solution to man's need. With this passage, we can see ways in which we can examine our own spiritual health and see our need of Jesus for growth in those areas.

I pray that this sermon will show you Jesus clearly and Him only and that it will be a blessing to your soul.

By His Grace,

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