
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Find a Wife (Biblically)

"We have to realize that the Bible does not speak to every issue we will face in life. Just ask Solomon, who had to use wisdom when the two prostitutes came to him claiming to both be the mother of one child. We must follow those things that God has given us. In all of our relationships we have the obligation to exercise the fruit of the Spirit and not mistreat anyone, that is especially true for a prospective spouse." ~ Rev. Scott Clark, Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Westminster Seminary California and Associate Pastor at Oceanside United Reformed Church

This quote is from a great "tongue-in-cheek" article about how we Christians sometimes try to say we have the "biblical" way of dating, courting, or whatever you call the way(s) of looking for a spouse. After his satirical list, Rev. Clark gives some great reflection on what the Bible actually does say about this issue. It is short and worth reading.

By His Grace,

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