
Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Role of the Pastor's Wife

"The first thing to say on this topic is that the Bible does not establish an office for 'elder/pastor wife.' It doesn't offer her a job description. This in turn means an elder's wife should not feel forced into some mold or set of expectations. Rather, an elder's wife should feel free to simply be a happy, healthy, growing Christian who seeks to fulfill the 'one another' commands in the context of her church just like every other member should." ~ Jonathan Leeman

What is the role of a pastor's wife? As I am about to graduate from RTS and applying to churches, this question comes to my mind a lot. I am sure it is something Erika thinks about as well. I have even answered this question on a few applications. I have generally answered it in the same way as Leeman, though not nearly as eloquently and without as much experience to back up my answer. Below is a little more of Leeman's article:
What role should a pastor's wife or elder's wife play in the church? What are her responsibilities? How can she serve as a helpmate to her husband in the ministry?  
The first thing to say on this topic is that the Bible does not establish an office for "elder/pastor wife." It doesn't offer her a job description. This in turn means an elder's wife should not feel forced into some mold or set of expectations. Rather, an elder's wife should feel free to simply be a happy, healthy, growing Christian who seeks to fulfill the "one another" commands in the context of her church just like every other member should.  
Shouldn't the pastor/elder's wife seek to love and serve the church as occasion permits and as gifts allow? Yes, but only because she is a Christian, not because she is an elder's wife.
Some pastors' wives will want to play the piano, run VBS, and lead the women's retreat. Great! Others will find themselves more fully occupied in the home as well as in the work of private hospitality or neighborhood evangelism. Great! 
An elder or pastor's wife, like every Christian, should engage in private ministry. But there is nothing in the Bible which says that she must engage in public ministry.  
I recommend reading the whole thing. You can find it in 9 Mark's website.

By His Grace,

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