
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It Shall Be Provided

"When you are tempted to doubt the faithfulness of God, cry out, 'Get thee hence, Satan.' Though you cannot now harmonize God’s mysterious dealings with the avowals of His love, wait on Him for more light. In His own good time He will make it plain to you." ~ A. W. Pink, The Attributes of God

In agreement with the quote of Pink above, Spurgeon once said, "If you can't trace God's hand trust His heart." That is difficult to do but it is so important to the Christian life. This world is broken and sometimes it is difficult to see why God would ordain the events He has. Sometimes it is really hard because we are right in the middle of the tragedy, the darkness is closing in, and we cannot see how God is in it. Yet, we should never doubt in the dark what we have known to be true about God in the light. We must take hold of Him and "wait on Him for more light."

Back in July I preached a sermon at my church, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, on Genesis 22, which dealt with this very subject. If you are going through a rough time or have gone through one recently, perhaps it might be helpful to you. You can listen to it here or read it here. I pray that God will use it to encourage you and magnify His glory in your heart.

By His Grace,


  1. Are you preaching this upcoming Sunday? Big A and I will be in the Atlanta area and could maybe come hear you.

  2. No, I am not. The next time I am preaching will be Sep. 18. Too bad though. It would be cool to see you guys out there!
