
Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Thou great I AM,
  Fill my mind with elevation and grandeur at the thought of a Being
    with whom one day is as a thousand years,
    and a thousand years is as one day,
A Mighty God, who, amidst the lapse of worlds,
  and the revolutions of empires,
  feels no variableness,
  but is glorious in immortality.
May I rejoice that, while men die, the Lord lives;
  that, while all creatures are broken reeds,
    empty cisterns,
    fading flowers,
    withering grass,
  He is the Rock of Ages, the Fountain
    of living waters.
~ "The Infinite and the Finite", The Valley of Vision

This is a piece of a prayer from The Valley of Vision, which is a book of Puritan prayers. I like it because it reminds me of God's immutability. This is probably my favorite of all of God's perfections. It would be inaccurate to consider one perfection of God to be "better" than another since they are all an equal part of His being, but I do not think it is wrong to enjoy one more or take greater comfort in one than another. I take great comfort in His immutability because by it I know that all He has said is certain and secure. He cannot go back on His word or change His promises. He cannot get "better" or "worse" but has been, is, and always will be perfect. I think what I find most comforting in His immutability is that I know when He says, "Child, I love you perfectly" there is nothing I can do to alter that. It reminds me that when I have messed up big time and come to Him thinking, "The best you can hope for is to be a slave in His house", He loves me like a son.

By His Grace,

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