
Thursday, February 19, 2009

His Heart

"If you can't trace God's hand trust His heart." ~ Charles Spurgeon

I was reminded of this quote recently and I thought it would be something relevant to share considering the times we are in. Many today are having a hard time finding a job, worried about keeping a job, worried about paying bills, worried about retirement, or at least know someone in one of these states. It is tough to be able to see any reasons for what is going on, especially when you are right in the middle of it. This is, of course, the point of what Spurgeon is saying here. We often cannot see the reasons for why God does what He does, but we can choose to say, "God, I do not know what You are doing, but I know Your love for me never changes so it must be good for me. Help me to trust that. Help me to believe that."

One more thing, saying the above does not mean we do not ask God why in the hopes that we will one day see the reasons. I get more than a little frustrated with the people who say, "I never ask God why." I sometimes want to smack them to bring them back to reality. Even Jesus asked God why! Sure He was in the darkest place one could ever be and it was His human frailty crying out, but if it was not a sin for His humanity to cry out to God then it is not a sin for us to do the same. God knows our frame and knows that we are dust (Psalm 103:14). He understands. There is nothing wrong with asking God why. We certainly cannot demand answers from Him, but we can humbly ask the question as a child would ask his father. The worst that can happen is He will respond, "My child, you would not understand. Just know that I love you and am carrying you the whole way."

By His Grace,

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